
Learn how to drop tension, become more mobile and strong. 


What does a session at KRUSE ELITE look like?

In this video, you will see footage from an online private session. Luke, who is also one of our online members, addresses a pain limitation in his hamstrings that he has had for nearly 20 years. The change in his forward bend and the pain level is shocking to those who have not yet experienced...

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Why You Might Still Have Pain After Rehab

education pain recovery rehab Jul 19, 2018

Today, I'm going to talk to you about pain and why your rehabilitative efforts may not have been successful. 

I cover 2 major lessons in this video:

  • All sensory information goes to the contralateral cortex (opposite side brain) except smell
  • The Primary pathway of voluntary movement is...
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Could Stretching Be Holding You Back, Literally?

Today, we are going to talk about an internal vs. external focus with movement. 

Internal focus is based on the sensation you feel while you move. An external focus requires the use of external targets to reach towards. 

In this video, we are going to show you how brains work! In the...

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If your client has low back pain have you considered a health problem?

education health pain Jan 06, 2018

I can’t even tell you how many cases of chronic lower back pain we’ve seen with absolutely no injury event to go with it.

When your lower back hurts for no obvious reason there is an underlying health problem causing it. It’s never strictly a back problem.

The unfortunate issue...

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Try this mobility drill before you do pushing or pulling exercises!

education mobility Jan 05, 2018

Scapular Camshaft from Taylor Kruse on Vimeo.


No matter how deep we go with our practice, owning the basics pays life long dividends.

The Scapular Cam Shaft (from Zhealth Performance) is one of our favorites for helping people to eliminate pain and reclaim mobility, coordination and...

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Try this mobility drill as prep before squats or lunges!

education mobility results Jan 04, 2018

Closed Chain Knee Circle from Taylor Kruse on Vimeo.


No matter how deep we go with our practice, owning the basics pays life long dividends.

The closed chain knee circle (from Zhealth Performance) is one of our favorites for helping people to eliminate pain and reclaim mobility,...

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What drives your desire to be living in your best health?

education Jan 04, 2018

As personal trainers, it is easy for our health goals to become unrelatable. For some people, it appears unreachable.

“They were born that way.” “She’s a health nut.”

The struggle that we actually go through to maintain our health can often go unseen.

My personal...

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Drastically improve skills as a movement expert by targeting inputs

education health pain Jan 03, 2018

If you are a well practiced personal trainer, coach or therapist it’s likely that you are a proprioception expert! Meaning, you teach people how to move more efficiently!

Movement is an example of an “output.” So you could say that squats, lunges, pull ups or any exercise for...

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To improve your clients performance consider movement prediction

education Jan 01, 2018

Becoming better at moving is about increasing your movement options!

With increased movement options you increase your brains ability to predict it’s environment. When the brain can predict accurately you are granted options.

When you know your environment, movement becomes less...

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Consider creating external targets to improve client performance

education health Dec 29, 2017

Ready!? Basic Neurology 101 - the nervous system does 3 things!

  1. Receives information.
  2. Interprets and decides what to do about it.
  3. Creates a motor output based on it.

The different sensory systems that our brain uses to interpret the world act like satellites that relay information back to the...

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Practice FIVE Neuro-Performance Drills

Learn why respiration, vision, vestibular, and complex movement integrations are essential tools for every coach!