Simple Low Back Mobility Progression for Pain Relief

back & trunk Jun 20, 2024

Are you struggling with chronic lower back problems? If so, you're far from alone. Today, we're diving into an essential guide that promises to shift your perspective and potentially transform your experience with lower back pain. 

Here are 5 key takeaways from this low back mobility progression:

  1. Understand the Fear Factor: First and foremost, it's crucial to acknowledge that fear of movement can contribute significantly to chronic lower back issues. Over time, this fear, often exacerbated by advice to immobilize the area, can lead to a cycle of pain and further immobilization. Break the cycle by embracing movement as a solution, not a threat.
  2. Assess Your Movement: Before diving into exercises, conduct a simple baseline assessment. This can be anything from a range of motion assessment, like bending over to touch your toes or performing trunk rotations, to simply walking. The goal is to understand how your brain perceives movement currently - is it better, the same, or worse after performing certain movements?
  3. Learn the Wall-Supported Lumbar Half Circle: This exercise is designed to reintroduce safe, controlled movement to your lower back. You'll need a wall for support. Begin by standing with your back against the wall, feet about a foot away, and knees slightly bent. Practice lateral bending and forward flexions before combining these movements into a smooth half-circle motion. The wall serves as both a support and feedback mechanism, guiding you toward accurate movement and helping to correct poor movement patterns.
  4. Practice, Assess, Repeat: Mastery of the lumbar half circle won't come overnight. It's a process of retraining your brain and body to understand and perform movements correctly. Regular practice is key, coupled with continual reassessment using your chosen baseline assessment method. Look for improvements in how movement feels and in your range of motion without pain.
  5. Incorporate Movement into Daily Life: Once you've gained confidence and skill in performing the lumbar half circle, don't stop there. Integrate this exercise into your daily routine, whether as part of a warm-up, cool-down, or standalone pain management strategy. The goal is to reduce overall threat and pain perception through consistent, positive movement experiences.

Chronic lower back pain can feel like an insurmountable obstacle, but with the right approach and exercises, improvement is possible. Remember, the key is to move wisely, listen to your body, and be patient with the process. Your back is designed to move, and relearning how to do so safely can be the first step toward lasting relief. 

👋🏻 Hi, I’m Taylor Kruse, a strength & mobility coach who’s passionate about jiu jitsu and neuroscience. I help you with daily exercise and recovery tips so that you can squash your pains and make those gains!

Whenever you're ready here's how we can help you:

  1. Follow structured programs to keep your joints healthy and your muscles strong even as you age by joining the Strength & Mobility Dojo
  2. Restore your brain-body connection by deliberately training your unique nervous system using the neurologic blueprint we provide in our specialty course, the Neuro Dojo


Follow our structured programs

We combine strength and conditioning with the tools of applied neuroscience. You'll be consistently practicing targeted joint mobility, vision and vestibular training, strength training and dynamic athletic movement that keep your body ready for any physical endeavor you wish to pursue. And, you'll have access to world-class coaches who can guide you.



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