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#7 - How Shaun Moved Out of Chronic Pain and Took Back Control of His Life
Have you ever managed chronic pain? And, maybe you wake up wondering what's going to hurt next, maybe it's your knee or your hip and then it's your shoulder. If you've ever dealt with pain and have spent endless hours...
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#6 - All About Breathing
How often do you think about breathing? Breathing is something we do all day, every day, 24/7, and yet many of us have some form of dysfunctional breathing. Today, I talk with my podcast producer, Tony, about how I...
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# 5 - How I got into Brain-Based Fitness
Have you ever wondered how a young athlete becomes a trainer, coach, and educator? Or just how someone might get into brain-based fitness in general? Today, I’m going to talk with my podcast producer, Tony, about how...
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#4 - It's all about BALANCE
Is your workout routine leaving you tired, sore, and stressed all the time? Or, on the other hand, do you feel like you never seem to make much progress despite sticking to a program you like? Is there something that...
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# 3 - I injured myself with stretching
In this episode of the Kruse Elite Podcast, I share a brief story about how I injured my hamstring with stretching. I explain how using a "seek and destroy" mentality and chasing tightness with repetitive stretching...
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#2 - The #1 Exercise You Are NOT Practicing for Low Back Tension, Hip & Shoulder Mobility
In this episode I'll teach you my #1 exercise for eliminating low back tension, improving total body mobility and more! I even take you through an assessment process so that you can understand how your body is...
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#1 - The Threat Bucket & How to Assess Your Body’s Response to Exercise
In this episode of the Kruse Elite podcast, I introduce you to my favorite educational tool called the Threat Bucket and guide you through a simple 3 step assessment process that you can use to understand your body's...
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