#10 - How Alissa Manages MS and Continues to Get Stronger and Healthier

Have you ever managed an autoimmune disorder or do you know someone who does? Engaging in fitness while managing something like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has it's ups and downs. The goal for this episode is to share some insight into how to navigate your symptoms so you can continue to live an active, healthy lifestyle. 

In this episode, I interview one of our very own Strength & Mobility Dojo members, Alissa Frazier. Alissa and I talk about:

  • How her MS symptoms originally presented and her medical journey to find a diagnosis
  • How she took things into her own hands to create a lifestyle and diet that improved her health and decreased her symptoms
  • Her 3 pillars for managing chronic illness: diet, movement and stress management
  • How she has navigated fitness so she can find the sweet spot to getting stronger and more fit without triggering flare ups or negative symptoms
  • My experience working with multiple clients with MS, how their symptoms presented slightly differently and how we utilized the power of strength and neuro training to slow the progression of their MS symptoms
  • Her advice for anyone managing a chronic illness and strategies for continuing to include exercise within your lifestyle

Thank you to Strength & Mobility Dojo member, Alissa Frazier for sharing your personal and professional journey in managing MS. To work with Alissa, check out her practice:

Instagram: Liss.MS
Email: [email protected] 

Free Resources:

Whenever you're ready here's how we can help you:

  1. Become an expert in problem solving movement and pain issues with our beginner neuro course, Neuro Foundations
  2. Master applied neurology so you can feel confident you can help anyone who walks through your door by joining our advanced neuro course, The Neuro Dojo


Practice FIVE Neuro-Performance Drills

Learn why respiration, vision, vestibular, and complex movement integrations are essential tools for every coach!