#11 - Applying Interventions for Pain and Mobility

When you have pain or mobility issues, many will offer advice on what you should do, whether it's stretching, foam rolling, certain exercises or even surgery.  Today, I speak with my podcast producer, Tony, about how I think about applying interventions to relieve pain and get your body moving properly.  I discuss what happens when you apply a stimulus to the body from a neurological perspective as well as how to then assess whether it's helping or not.  I also discuss different types of stimuli, why it's possible to run any modality through a neurological framework to assess its effectiveness, and several different higher order systems in the body that let me hone in on my approach to interventions for pain relief and mobility.  I also address the potential for the placebo effect to occur and share a story of how some of my students in the Neuro Dojo were able to eliminate my knee pain without even being in the same room as me.

Free Resources:

Thank you to my podcast idea man and coach, Tony Fowler (Instagram: @tone_reverie) for helping me put together this episode!

Whenever you're ready here's how we can help you:

  1. Become an expert in problem solving movement and pain issues with our beginner neuro course, Neuro Foundations
  2. Master applied neurology so you can feel confident you can help anyone who walks through your door by joining our advanced neuro course, The Neuro Dojo


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