#30 - Threat Where You Least Expect It

What if your chronic neck pain isn't a problem with your neck at all?  In this episode, I speak with my trusty podcast producer, Tony, about unexpected sources of threat that could sneakily be causing your pain and mobility issues.  I talk about a variety of factors like life stress, traumatic events, marathons, calorie deficits, intense training, visual impairments, specific colors of light, prescription lenses, laser eye surgery, mid-line surgeries, c-sections, concussions, low protein diets, breathing dysfunction, asthma, and more, and illustrate how using applied neurology can show us why seemingly unrelated factors can drive threat, pain, and injury in the body, even in completely different locations and unexpected ways.  I tell story after story where these issues, when finally addressed, solve persistent problems with pain and mobility, and give you clues to figure out if there are unexpected sources of threat that you should look into to solve your own pain and movement issues.  This is a long one, so grab your notebook and enjoy!

Free Resources:

Thank you to my podcast idea man and coach, Tony Fowler (Instagram: @tone_reverie) for helping me put together this episode!

Whenever you're ready here's how we can help you:

  1. Become an expert in problem solving movement and pain issues with our beginner neuro course, Neuro Foundations
  2. Master applied neurology so you can feel confident you can help anyone who walks through your door by joining our advanced neuro course, The Neuro Dojo


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Learn why respiration, vision, vestibular, and complex movement integrations are essential tools for every coach!