#6 - All About Breathing

How often do you think about breathing? Breathing is something we do all day, every day, 24/7, and yet many of us have some form of dysfunctional breathing. Today, I talk with my podcast producer, Tony, about how I learned that breathing dysfunction is often linked to pain and other seemingly unrelated problems, and that fixing your breathing is one of my go to solutions for difficult to solve issues with my clients. I talk about mouth breathing and upper chest breathing vs nasal breathing and how breathing patterns can be linked to anxiety, stress, pain, lack of energy, and more. I also discuss different breathing techniques and strategies from mouth tape to air hunger squats, how to assess your breathing and whether different breathing techniques are working for you, and how to train your breathing for better results in fitness but also in everyday life.

Thank you to my podcast idea man and coach, Tony Fowler (Instagram: @tone_reverie) for helping me put together this episode. 

Free Resources:

Thank you to my podcast idea man and coach, Tony Fowler (Instagram: @tone_reverie) for helping me put together this episode!

Whenever you're ready here's how we can help you:

  1. Become an expert in problem solving movement and pain issues with our beginner neuro course, Neuro Foundations
  2. Master applied neurology so you can feel confident you can help anyone who walks through your door by joining our advanced neuro course, The Neuro Dojo




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