Why You Might Still Have Pain After Rehab

education pain recovery rehab Jul 19, 2018

Today, I'm going to talk to you about pain and why your rehabilitative efforts may not have been successful. 

I cover 2 major lessons in this video:

  • All sensory information goes to the contralateral cortex (opposite side brain) except smell
  • The Primary pathway of voluntary movement is initiated by contralateral cortex (opposite side brain) and controlled by ipsilateral cerebellum (same side "mini" brain) 
    • The opposite cortex feeds signals down into the same side brainstem
    • The brainstem is responsible for postural/muscle tone, autonomic control and pain inhibition ipsilaterally. 

What the heck does this all mean?

The video description will make sense quickly so make sure you watch the video but essentially what this means is that if you have pain on your RIGHT side, sensory stimulus and/or movement on the LEFT side will feed a neural pathway that results in pain inhibition on your RIGHT side. 

Most rehab efforts are done on the same side of pain not the opposite. 


When it comes to neurology there are a LOT of neural pathways that allow us to be humans. The neural pathway described in this video is one that many people do not yet know about when it comes to rehabbing pain and can be one of the most important lessons to grasp for finishing the rehab of pain. 

If you are having trouble finding pain relief, give this video some thought and don't hesitate to reach out!


About the Author: 

Taylor Kruse, recently featured in Men's Health, is dedicated to empowering you with the truth and tools for improved health and performance.

His inspiration stems from more than 10 years of education and coaching through systems like Zhealth Performance, The Burdenko Method, and various movement practices.

In 2013, he co-founded KRUSE ELITE with girlfriend, Alisha Hale. Both are dedicated to inspiring people, coaches, and trainers into their best health and performance.


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