Ever experience a paradigm shift that made you question your skills?

our stories Oct 28, 2018

(Image: the beginning of a paradigm shift into assessing EVERYTHING I do)

Questioning your skill as a coach is a painful process but challenging yourself is what will make you rise to the top!

Can you believe how much you can grow in just 5 years?

Even as adults in our mid-thirties we push ourselves to reach that next level and plan to always sustain an interest in learning and becoming better. A better coach, a better partner, a better human. 

5 years ago when we opened our studio we were going through a phase. Let's call it a major phase of confusion. We both took a detour into the world of hands-on stretching. The buzzword in the industry at the time was "fascia" and everyone was trying to find the "best" way to "remove" or "transform" our connective tissue. 

For the first year and a half or so in our studio we were primarily focused on a stretching technique because we were fascinated with the human body and wanted to know everything we could about improving performance and decreasing peoples' pain. We believed, like many people, that loosening up our connective tissue would decrease pain. 

We were wrong. 

Fast forward to 2015, when we were introduced to Z-Health Performance and what it means to assess EVERY exercise you do and how to train sensory input to improve performance - and, we experienced a MAJOR paradigm shift. 

We started assessing the stretching we were doing on people and learned a very humbling truth - people were getting less range of motion from stretching!!! Most people, in fact. 

We did a full stop! Literally, within 2 months of our first course in brain-based fitness we stopped stretching people, returned to movement and added brain-based training. 

This experience was painful for our business, of course, because we now had to explain why we took a complete 180 degree turn away from something we originally believed was working. BUT, we couldn't keep offering a service we no longer saw the value in. 

In your career, have you ever done a face palm? Have you looked back and realized you should have known better? Or, wished that you knew then what you know now? 

Us, too. 

This paradigm shift led us into the most satisfying work we have experienced with our clients and athletes. The original interest we had in problem solving individual issues became something we are incredibly skilled at rather than just an interest we had.

Now WE KNOW what is actually improving our clients on a moment to moment basis rather than having it be based on a "feeling" of improvement. 

This paradigm shift inspired us to spread the word about brain-based health and performance work. We think every coach, movement specialist, therapist, and individual interested in health and movement should know how to implement these tools for better results. 

Knowing what it means to assess every drill in the moment and how to integrate sensory training like vision, vestibular, targeted mobility and breath training into your work will save you YEARS of confusion about what is actually working for your client. 

We know because we spent years following industry trends and false promises on improving performance and we want to save you that time!

This is our mission. 

If you want to know about this assess and reassess process to improve your coaching skills, it is one of the first videos we teach in our online membership

Be prepared for a paradigm shift if this is a new concept! 

The road to becoming a better coach will have its ups and downs. This is why we created a community that can support you through the process of learning how to create quality movement options for your clients using your brain and nervous system as a training tool. 

Let's see how vision, vestibular, multi-tasking, breath training, and quality movement drills improve your results as a coach. 

Don't be afraid of those "palm to face" moments in your career. Not a single expert started out as an expert. Be one of the brave who is willing to explore better options and challenge your skills. 


Interested in joining the KRUSE ELITE Online community? Find out more! We have a special offer expiring on October 31st!

You get: 

  • Weekly Tutorials (10-15 minute videos) 
  • Access to Taylor for Q&A on each topic
  • Membership to our community facebook group which will soon offer short LIVE Q&A's in addition to the community engagement.   


About the Author:

Alisha Hale pulls from over 10 years of experience in the health and fitness industry to provide you with the tools needed to reach your best health.

Alisha is a Personal Trainer and a Board Certified & Licensed Acupuncturist and is particularly passionate about combining Acupuncture and movement coaching to help young women through their pre and post natal journey, fertility challenges, menstrual irregularities, metabolic issues, thyroid problems, pain, asthma, and allergies.

In 2013, she co-founded KRUSE ELITE with boyfriend, Taylor Kruse. Both are dedicated to inspiring people, coaches, and trainers into their best health and performance.



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Learn why respiration, vision, vestibular, and complex movement integrations are essential tools for every coach!